| 3. implement Array.prototype.flat() | JavaScript Problem Solving

Hello friends, in this article I'm going to discuss and walk through my thought process of solving the implement Array.prototype.flat() problem on

problem link

Here's the question

There is already Array.prototype.flat() in JavaScript (ES2019), which reduces the nesting of Array. Could you manage to implement your own one?. Here is an example to illustrate

const arr = [1, [2], [3, [4]]];

// [1, 2, 3, [4]]

flat(arr, 1)
// [1, 2, 3, [4]]

flat(arr, 2)
// [1, 2, 3, 4]

follow up: Are you able to solve it both recursively and iteratively?

Here's my recursive approach

 * @param { Array } arr
 * @param { number } depth
 * @returns { Array }

function flat(arr, depth = 1) {
  // let's take an array to store the final result
  let flattenedArr = []

 //base condition: If the depth is 0 we should return the original array
  if(depth ==0 ) return arr

// traverse through the elements of the given array
  arr.forEach(ele => {

    // find if the element is an array and if it is an array,
   // recursively call the flat function while reducing the depth by 1
      flattenedArr = flattenedArr.concat(flat(ele, depth-1))

   // else, we can directly add the element into the array
    else {
      flattenedArr = flattenedArr.concat(ele)

  // finally, return the flattended array
  return flattenedArr

Here's my iterative approach

 * @param { Array } arr
 * @param { number } depth
 * @returns { Array }

function flat(arr, depth = 1) {
  // let's take an array to store final result
  const flattenedArr = []

 // To do this problem iteratily we need either stack or queue, 
 // let's take stack that stores value of the element with the depth
  const stack = [ => [ele, depth])]

  // loop though the stack until it's length is valid
  while(stack.length > 0){

    //let's destructure the current top along with it's depth and pop it out from stack
    const [top, depth] = stack.pop()

    // if the current top is an array and has a valid depth,
    // push the modified array with the elements and the depth reduced to 1
    if(Array.isArray(top) && depth > 0){
      stack.push( => [ele, depth - 1]))

   // else, push the value of top to the flattendArr

  // As we started the process from the last element, 
  // we need to reverse the array to return the final result 
return flattenedArr.reverse()


Thanks for going through the problem, I'll be adding more problems in the blog as I continue to practice, feel free to like, share & comment your feedback.